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Intro to Somatic Alchemy

Welcome to Intro to Somatic Alchemy! 

In this video series, you will learn: 

Why typical shadow work isn't always enough on your healing journey 
What trauma is 
What somatic alchemy does 
How to reconnect with your body and felt senses …

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What is Erotic Embodiment?

The erotic has been demonized, and exiled into the taboo world of sex, but it’s so much more than what turns us on sexually. The erotic is our primal life force. It is the dark feminine of matter and the…

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Comfort vs Pleasure

The Avoidance of Pain

The avoidance of pain is something that most people strive for. Most of our existence is wrapped up in what people believe is the search for pleasure. But when the goal is an avoidant desire, we…

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